REVIEW & EVENT REPORT Mustika Ratu Glow & Tight Range (Face Wash, Peeling Gel, and Peel Off
Hi again!
Sooo today's post is going to be about the Mustika Ratu event that I was invited to, and their newest products in Glow & Tight range!

Obligatory picture of the always adorbs table-setting in Sociolla Soiree!

Here is Mira Monika, from Sociolla, opened the event by greeting everyone and explaining a bit about what's today's event gonna be consist of.

And also a greeting from Mustika Ratu representative:

The first part of the event was the demo of the 3-step skincare regimen with Glow & Tight range from Mustika Ratu.
I really enjoyed the demo because I can clearly see how the products work on the model. The model's complexion instantly got brighter. Of course, because clean skin will shine, and that's what Mustika Ratu Glow & Tight products intend to do. Perfectly clean your skin so it shines.

There was also a session in which we are informed about how we can make our own infused water. A great point that I jotted down is: use fruits that are high in their water concentration like lemon or kiwi, unlike apples. Apples will tend to turn brownish and it won't be as good as lemon or kiwi.

Besides demos there were also a lot of useful sharing and Q&As! Overall I really enjoyed the event, I always feel delighted when invited to a Sociolla Soiree because Soiree always feels intimate and friendly.
Now....the best part: PRODUCTS!
Here I got the complete package of the Glow & Tight range (both Green Tea and Lemon)

I have tried both before this event so I can say that I am liking them. I do.

But if you ask me to choose one I'd choose Green Tea <3

I'll discuss the products one by one, starting from the newest: the Face Wash! So apparently the face wash is not yet launched. We were privileged to try it before everyone else <3

One major goodness about the face wash is that it is free from detergent so it WON'T DRY OUT your skin. It does not lather much so it's gentle for all skin types!

The face wash from Lemon and GreenTea variants differ only in their extract contained. The rest of it is the same, so I'm rating them similarly.

The face wash does contain fragrance, but only a small amount of it. So it's fine. I'll give the face wash a 9/10 <3
Now the peeling gel and the peel-off mask. I have written about the Lemon variant on this blog, so I'll just restate the most important points. The peeling gel has a very soft scrub, that is not harsh at all on your skin. It's definitely the best kind of scrub because it does not irritate your skin.

The peel off mask, it will sting a bit for you with sensitive skin because it contains alcohol, BUT if you apply it thinly it will be fine. And also, not to use it too often because it will make your skin feels dry.

These two variants don't differ much on their function, as both do not dry out skin.
But for the green tea one, I have to say that my skin likes it more. It does not tingle as much as the Lemon one.

And also the peel off mask dries faster. It does not dry out my skin so dry skin should be okay to try this out!

Besides the facial care, I also got some bodycare products that smell amazing. I swear I never thought they'd smell this good but you should really try them out.

I am using the lotion everyday now because I'm liking it a lot<3

Thank you guys for reading! Until next post!