Makeup for Beginners
Hello again!
I'm fulfilling a promise to make a post about makeup for beginners (according to me).
Highlighting the word 'beginner' I think the makeup set should consist of products that are easy to use and also not expensive.

So my makeup for beginners set consists of:
1. Concealer: Maybelline Fit Me Concealer no. 20 (Sand)
I bought this in Brisbane but you can buy it from instagram onlineshops or for around Rp 155.000,00.
2. Loose Foundation Mineral Botanica (Beige)
I bought this at Avecca Beauty Center AEON for I don't remember how much but I'm guessing around Rp 66.000,00
3. Lush It Started With a Kiss, Lip and Cheek Tint
I bought it in Japan I don't remember how much but you can buy it in Singapore because they have Lush store there. I really hope Lush will open a store in Indonesia soon.
4. Purbasari Matte Lipstick no. 90 (Crystal)
I bought it at AEON beauty section, besides the grocery section for Rp 23.000,00. I always recommend Purbasari to everyone because it's magically cheap but really good I'm not lying.

I'm sure you guys know how to apply these products so I won't go into much details on that. One thing to note is not to go too much with complete set of makeup like eyeshadows or contouring because well, that's still a long way to go if you just started doing makeup.

From left to right, top to down:
Bare face - Applying concealer - Concealer is set
Applied powder foundation just lightly - Dabbed some cheek tints using my finger - Applied lipstick and done!
I didn't use any eye makeup product like eyeliner, mascara, or eyeshadows (also no brows product) because for me myself I think it would be too much.
BUT, it you think you need some brow powder or eyeliner or mascara, just wear them. As long as you know how to apply it neatly (because I don't), I'm sure it'll look good :D
Thanks for reading! I'm open to any product recommendation to try so feel free to comment or message me!