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Bellinda Putri


REVIEW Masker Kefir Lovely Kefir Nature (THE BEST)
Pasti banyak yang udah familiar sama masker kefir dan banyak juga yang udah membuktikan khasiatnya. Di blog post kali ini aku mau review...

REVIEW Masker Kefir Lovely Kefir Nature (THE BEST)
Review masker lovely kefir nature

REVIEW HALE Let's Clay! Licorice, Green Tea, and Charcoal Clay Mask
Kalo sebelumnya selalu kebingungan cari clay mask andalan karena kebanyakan clay mask tuh pake mint/peppermint extract atau menthol yang...

REVIEW HALE Let's Clay! Licorice, Green Tea, and Charcoal Clay Mask
Kalo sebelumnya selalu kebingungan cari clay mask andalan karena kebanyakan clay mask tuh pake mint/peppermint extract atau menthol yang...

Shu Uemura RD163 Launch Event Report
Beberapa waktu lalu, Shu Uemura mengadakan event launching shade RD163 di Kilo Lounge. Apa spesialnya shade RD163 ini sampai ada event...

REVIEW Avoskin Miraculous Refining Toner
Di review kali ini, aku mau membahas produk lokal super duper hits: Avoskin Miraculous Refining Toner! Toner ini fungsinya adalah...

Ristra Cosmetodermatology Makeup Review
RISTRA Cosmetodermatology bukan brand baru di dunia skincare dan makeup Indonesia. Meskipun banyak banget brand baru, tapi RISTRA tetep...

EVENT REPORT Wardah Beauty Days
Tanggal 2 Oktober kemarin aku dateng ke hari pertama acara Wardah Beauty Days yang berlangsung di atrium Gandaria City Mall, Jakarta....

Brighten the Skin Using Indonesian Local Products
Hi! I am well aware that I have been MIA for months now, although I keep reviewing things on my instagram and (sometimes) Youtube. I am...

SKINCARE REVIEWS - Youtube & Instagram!
Hi! It's been ages since I posted here last time and the reason is because... I am doing my Master's in Child and Adolescent Psychology,...
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